This One Night When it Was Dark

    When George was little he would start telling stories the same way every time... "This one night when it was dark..." It was always fun to hear what would happen next. So my story begins the same. Just imagine this. 
     This one night when it was dark there the shepherds were out in the open field probably already settled for the night with the sheep attended to and quieted. When suddenly there was light all around them. The Bible doesn't tell us details about how that happened. It was not a gradual light. Not a dimmer light that was slowly raised to adjust their eyes to. No!  It shone around them.  Instant. Right now. It was a surprise of gigantic light around them that frightened the crazy in them. Remember they are not use to seeing any sort of lights other than the fire. There was no noise that got them up on their feet to check the fold for intruders. They were relaxing, maybe even asleep. Wow!  The shock factor would have sent many today into cardiac arrest or at least, to the bathroom. Lol!  
    Quickly, the angel spoke to not have fear. I like that. Compassionate and understanding is our Lord. He comforted first. He told them what not to have and then gave them joy and glad tidings. Direct and pointed information. That's how our Lord is. He tells it like it is.  
    I wonder, why them?  They had to have been taught and trained in the law of God and knew of the coming Messiah, but why them?  Were they closest to the Bethlehem? Maybe because the open sky they could see the star clearly. Were they extremely scholarly?  Did they have influence over large people groups? Maybe all of these.  I will have to wait for  the answers until Heaven, but they were submissive, obedient and faithful.  We should strive to have all these characteristics and leadership qualities. 
    The message of good tidings and great joy is for all people. That's me and you!  If we accept the gift that God gave us we will get to live eternally with Jesus in Heaven. He was born to die on a cross for our sins, to be buried, rise from the grave, prepare a home for us in Heaven and come again to receive those of us that believes in this good tiding and great joy!

"And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.  And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." Luke 2:9,10

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